NEW YORK - Back in 2020, Jeff Bezos, then the world's richest individual, took up the fight against climate change. With a $10 billion pledge, he launched the Bezos Earth Fund dedicated solely to tackling the climate crisis head-on.

The commitment has evolved into possibly the largest philanthropic organization working wholly on climate-related causes. With the latest commitment of $100 million for pioneering projects leveraging artificial intelligence to combat climate change, the fund hopes to meet its goal of disbursing the entire startup money by 2030, writes Devex Junior Development Analyst Alecsondra Kieren Si.

So far, $1.7 billion has been deployed, with non-U.S. grants amounting to $1.1 billion. Alecsondra digs into the data to see where the grants are going and what kind of projects the fund has prioritized. The fund has seven main funding programs, ranging from environmental conservation to economics and finance.




