PARIS - As the country continues to sink into a deep political and security crisis, more and more Haitian women are being raped by members of armed groups. Access to healthcare is difficult, and local organizations are overwhelmed, writes Jean-Michel Hauteville in Le Monde.

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Among the litany of atrocities plunging Haiti into mourning on a daily basis, one particularly tragic event has caused consternation throughout the country. At the end of November, four pregnant women died due to lack of care in the region of Port-au-Prince, the capital, 80% of which is now controlled by criminal gangs that terrorize the population.

The unfortunate women had gone to "several hospitals" in the region "over the last two days," seeking C-sections, reported Ronald Laroche, the executive director of a network of around 30 healthcare organizations called Development of Health Activities in Haiti, on Radio Magik9 on November 21.

The obstetricians and anesthesiologists who were called urgently were unable to arrive because the roads were blocked by gangs. "We had tears in our eyes, but we couldn't do anything," said Dr. Laroche. "We saw these women leave with the children they carried."

This tragedy was a direct consequence of the sudden worsening, in mid-November, of the deep political and security crisis into which this Caribbean country of 11 million people has been sinking for years. In the weeks following the dismissal of Prime Minister Garry Conille on November 9 and the inauguration of his successor, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, the following day, armed groups have stepped up their attacks and plunged the capital into chaos.

