STOCKHOLM - Ahead of the BRICS Summit, SIPRI shared data on arms trade between BRICS members in a thread on X/Twitter.

The countries making up the economic bloc—Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—met for a summit in South Africa on 22–24 August.

The data visualizations explore whether the trend in growing trade between the group is reflected in the arms trade between BRICS members.


SIPRI Arms Transfers Database

The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database contains information on all transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the most recent full calendar year. It is a unique resource for researchers, policy-makers and analysts, the media and civil society interested in monitoring and measuring the international flow of major conventional arms.

The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database can be used to generate detailed written reports (trade registers) and statistical data (trend-indicator values, TIV). To access the trade registers and TIV data, see the links provided below.

The database was updated on 13 March 2023. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database includes updated data on transfers of major arms for 1950–2022, which replaces all previous data on arms transfers published by SIPRI.

The database can be used to address a range of questions, including:

- Who are the suppliers and recipients of major conventional weapons?

- What weapons have been exported or imported by specific suppliers or recipients?

- How have the relationships between different suppliers and recipients changed over time?

- Where do countries in conflict get their weapons from?

- How do states implement their export control regulations?

- Where are potentially destabilizing build ups of weapons occurring?
- What is the relationship between access to natural resources and arms

The publicly accessible database is updated every spring. A brief overview of highlights of the preceding year and more general trends in international arms transfers is published to coincide with the release of each year's new dataset. A broader analysis is published every year in the SIPRI Yearbook.




