North-South News 3 January 2012

This gold-plated superyacht is said to be the most expensive on the planet - worth an amazing £3 billion ($4.6bn). The British-designed vessel 'History Supreme' is adorned with 100 tons of gold, which covers more than half its surface.

The 100ft craft even has sleeping quarters covered in platinum and a statue made from the bone of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was commissioned from Stuart Hughes of Liverpool by an anonymous Malaysian business man. It took three years to complete and around 100,000 kilogrammes of solid gold and platinum were used in its construction. The deck, dining area, rails and anchor are all made from the precious metals, while the base has been wrapped in a thin layer of gold.

The Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich has built the second most expensive yacht, 533ft long Eclipse, at the astounding price of £750 million ($1.4 billion.

